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Here you can find original instrumental free background music. All tracks available for free download in high quality formats. Free for use everywhere (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, podcasts etc), but if you want to monetize your content you need to purchase a license or become my patron.
Become my patron on Patreon and you will get many great opportunities. You can download over 250 Tracks and 50 Music Kits in one click. You can monetize your video on YouTube and other possibilities. What is Music Kits? This is a musical set consisting of Lego bricks (intro, verse, chorus, transition, etc.), which you can combine and get tracks and loops of the length you need. Enjoy!
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Ethnic AmbientAudioCoffee
00:00 / 02:58
Futuristic Sci Fi CinematicAudioCoffee
00:00 / 02:17
Dark Cinematic TrailerAudioCoffee
00:00 / 02:54
Ambient InspirationalAudioCoffee
00:00 / 02:09
Serious CorporateAudioCoffee
00:00 / 02:30
Future AbstractAudioCoffee
00:00 / 02:15
Inspiring MemoryAudioCoffee
00:00 / 02:47
00:00 / 02:44
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